When Pamela Sutherland fell pregnant with twins, she was worried that people wouldn’t be able to tell them apart.
But as soon as they were born, she and husband Barry knew that it wasn’t going to be a problem.
Because at 8Ibs 1oz, twin Daisy dwarfed her sister Poppy, who weighed in at just 5Ibs 7ozs, when they were born at Elgin Maternity Hospital five weeks ago.
Twincredible! Poppy, left, weighed just 5lbs 7ozs at birth while her sister, Daisy, game in at a healthy 8lbs 1oz'
It is the biggest size difference between twins ever recorded in the UK.
Mrs Sutherland, 30, who lives in Portsoy, Aberdeenshire, with husband Barry, also 30, said: ‘We just couldn’t believe it when they were born and they looked so different.
‘Even the midwife was shocked when she weighed Daisy. She did a double take.’
The couple, who also have a son Travis, three, knew from early scans that one twin was going to be bigger than the other as doctors had told them there would be a size difference.
Mrs Sutherland said: ‘It was picked up early on that there was going to be a size difference, but we never thought it was going to be as big as it was, and neither did the doctors.’
Size differences between twins can sometimes be caused by a life-threatening condition called Twin to Twin transfusion syndrome, where one twin takes more nutrients from the other.
The condition can be life-threatening and surgery can be carried out whilst the babies are still in the womb to separate the vessels conjoining them to even out the blood supply.
No excuses: Their mother, Pamela Sutherland, can't get them mixed up because of their size difference
But baffled doctors told the couple that their twins didn’t have the condition and luckily the pregnancy went smoothly.
Mrs Sutherland said: ‘We didn’t know why Daisy was so much bigger than Poppy, but we thought the difference would be a few ounces, not a several pounds.
‘When Travis was born he weighed 8Ibs 13oz, so I was expecting two babies half of that size.’
The twins were born naturally within ten minutes of each other after Mrs Sutherland went in to labour - and when they were born, it showed the staggering three and a half pound size difference between the two.
Mrs Sutherland said: ‘I was staggered at the size of Daisy - she was the size of a big newborn on her own, despite the fact that she was a twin.
‘I never expected her to tip the scales at 8Ibs 1oz.’
The twins were allowed home the following day and since then have come in leaps and bounds.
But the size difference still remains between them - meaning that strangers have no difficulty in telling them apart.
Daisy now weighs 9Ibs 7ozs and Poppy weighs 6Ibs 1oz, and Daisy is also several inches longer than Poppy.
Mrs Sutherland added: ‘They both have healthy appetites, although Poppy has a lot of catching up to do if she wants to catch up with her sister.
‘We weren’t given the reason for the difference in their sizes, and we don’t know whether they will ever even out and be the same size. Daisy may always be bigger than Poppy.
‘But we don’t mind. We are just thrilled to have two happy healthy babies. We feel very lucky.’
Usually there is only a size difference between twins of up to 1Ib. Anything bigger than a 20 per cent difference is considered a significant difference.
A spokeswoman for the Twins and Multiple Birth Foundation said: 'The size really is very unusual. We have never come across a size difference in twins as big as that before.'
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