Sunday 8 May 2011

* YOU BEEN SNAP * Now Muslim militants target Prince Harry: Outrage after extremists post chilling online hate video"

  • Third in line to throne, 26, labelled as the 'British royal Nazi' by fanatics
  • Prince William also told to 'watch your back' by extremist group
  • 'May Allah destroy him,' posts one extremist below the video
  • Muslims Against Crusades protested on Friday outside U.S. Embassy
An extremist group is believed to be targeting Prince Harry after a propaganda hate video has come to light following the assassination of Osama Bin Laden.
The 26-year-old, third in line to the throne, is the subject of a three-minute video posted last week by an organisation calling itself Muslims Against Crusades.
It is believed that Harry is being targeted to avenge the death of the Al Qaeda leader, who was shot by American commandos last Sunday, as six years ago he dressed as a Nazi and has served the British Army in Afghanistan.
Action: The video shows a series of clips from Prince Harry's time in Afghanistan fighting Taliban forces
Action: The video shows a series of clips from Prince Harry's time in Afghanistan fighting Taliban forces
The video, entitled 'Harry the Nazi', shows the young royal - who was best man to his elder brother William just over a week ago - serving for the British Army against Taliban forces in 2007 and 2008, saying that 'all my wishes have come true'.
It begins with the Muslims Against Crusades sign looming large and imposing, and then sounds of soldiers marching are accompanied by Arabic voices.

 Originally posted on the group's jihadist website, the video continues to show snippets of Prince Harry talking to the media while in action in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.
It also shows the royal - who spent 10 weeks in Afghanistan and joked that he is a 'bullet magnet' - using derogatory Asian terms 'Paki' and 'Raghead' in videos taken while he was in the Middle East, and exposed by the News of the World.
Man's best friend: Prince Harry pictured today at a polo tournament, playing with the vet's dog
Man's best friend: Prince Harry pictured today at a polo tournament, playing with the vet's dog
The clips are spliced together and framed in a central box, as though someone is watching the footage on a television, flicking through Harry's actions.
Outside of the frame, there is a dark border, and smoke rises from beneath.
The clips stop suddenly, and all that remains is a picture of Harry dressed as a Nazi - a decision which caused outrage, when he wore the outfit for a fancy dress party in 2005 - and then the production abruptly ends.

Best man: The 26-year-old was his elder brother's right-hand man at the Royal Wedding
Best man: The 26-year-old was his elder brother's right-hand man at the Royal Wedding

The film is designed to incite hatred against Harry - who has recently been promoted to captain in the Army - and it appears to have worked. Below the video, posted on YouTube, people have written aggressive, threatening messages in response to it.
One person wrote: 'May Allah curse and destroy him.' Another, calling himself Brother Younis, said: 'May he rot in hell.' And a third poster pointed out that both Harry and Hitler begin with the letter H, and added: 'Harry the royal British Nazi.'
Extremists: The video, which was posted on YouTube on April 29, shows the group name as a title credit
Extremists: The video, which was posted on YouTube on April 29, shows the group name as a title credit

Dead: Osama Bin Laden was fatally shot by US commandos in northern Pakistan on May 2
Warning: Anjem Choudary, a member of the pro-Islamic group 'Islam4UK', has warned that Britain should expect another 7/7 terror attack
Dead: Osama Bin Laden was shot by US commandos in northern Pakistan on May 2 and Anjem Choudary, a member of the pro-Islamic group 'Islam4UK', has warned that Britain should expect another 7/7 terror attack
'Prince Harry is inevitably at risk,' a security source told the News of the World. 'As risks go up then the protection capability has to be increased.'
Muslims Against Crusades's website claims that their members are 'raising the banner for Islam' and reveals why Prince Harry - and William - are targets.
In the Frequently Asked Questions section they write: 'It would seem fitting and appropriate to condemn individuals, who sympathise with such a brutal mob (referring to the British Army  who are fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya), or who promote their literature or glorify their cause.
'William and Harry are not exempt from accountability, and their conscientious decision to enrol in an army that engages in the aforementioned crimes, cannot be taken lightly.'
The extremist organisation today claimed that the video was not meant to be inflammatory, and inist that it is not a call to arms for terrorists to target Harry.
The group's spokesman, Islamic cleric Anjem Choudary did admit, however, that the video was designed to direct Muslim anger towards the Royal Family's involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He said the video was created to promote the group's aborted attempts to protest at the Royal Wedding. 
Protests: Extremists clashed with police outside the U.S. Embassy in London on Friday
Protests: Extremists clashed with police outside the U.S. Embassy in London on Friday

Clashes: Muslim demonstrators marched outside the U.S. Embassy and called President Obama 'arrogant'
Clashes: Muslim demonstrators marched outside the U.S. Embassy and called President Obama 'arrogant'
'There is a real anger with the Royal Family about their participation in war against Iraq and Prince Harry because of his tour fighting against Muslims in Afghanistan,' said the 44-year-old.
'Prince William has also expressed a desire to fight in Afghanistan.
'This video was being used to explain why we were planning to protest at the Royal Wedding.'
He continued: 'I can assure everyone that the Muslims Against Crusades has no intention of targeting Prince Harry or any other member of the Royal Family. 
'We believe in political action, not military action. We believe in the covenant of security; in return for our wealth and well-being protected it is not permitted to target wealth and life of those with whom we live.
'It is the objective of this, and videos like it, to draw attention to the Royal Family's involvement in wars that kill our Muslim brothers and sisters.'
Last Friday Choudary organised a 200-person strong protest outside the U.S. Embassy in London, so that Muslims Against Crusades could voice their opinions against 'arrogant' President Obama, who ordered the commandos to attack Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, northern Pakistan.
They organised a mock funeral for the 54-year-old Al Qaeda leader, and carried placards which read: 'Royal Family baby killers' and 'William and Harry watch your back'.
And Al Qaeda-supporting cleric Choudary warned that Britain is likely to suffer another 7/7 terrorist attack.
'Following the boasts and gloats of the arrogant President Barack Obama that he ordered the murder of "unarmed" Sheikh Osama Bin Laden without trial or consideration of his rights and the shooting and kidnapping of his defenceless wife and son, Muslims around the world are witness to America's utter disregard for fairness or justice,' the Muslims Against Crusades website explained.
Police stepped in to separate the protesters and members of the English Defence League amid threats of violence from both sides.
Though many were shocked that the protest was allowed to go ahead, coming as it did shortly after the verdict into the 7/7 inquest was released by Lady Justice Heather Hallett.
She recorded that the 52 victims had been 'unlawfully' killed when four terrorists attacked three London Underground trains and a bus in 2005.
While the Metropolitan Police refused to answer questions about the extremist group asked by MailOnline directly, a 'police source' told the News of the World: 'The Met are constantly monitoring activity by Muslims Against Crusades.
'If a direct threat is made we will respond.'

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