Caroline and Elizabeth...
- Married on the same day, in the same church
- Both drive the same model of Skoda car - in the same colour
- Obtained 2:1 degrees at the same university (in the same subject)
- Both are police constables
- And, finally, are both pregnant with their second child
They were born just four minutes apart, went to the same primary school, high school, college and were awarded the same grade for identical degrees at the same university.
But while their husbands agreed to a double wedding ceremony, they put their foot down over honeymooning in the same place.

Two by two: Caroline Paxton and Elizabeth Cooke got married at the same ceremony - and almost wore the same wedding dress"
They both had their first children within months of each other and are now both pregnant with their second.
Caroline and Elizabeth are so identical even their own husbands have got them mixed up with one kissing the wrong twin by mistake.
In the past one also posed as the other to break up with a boyfriend.
Now, distinguishable only by their hair-styles, constables Caroline and Elizabeth, from Stafford, are both proudly displaying their second baby bumps with their babies due later this year.

Double act: Caroline and Elizabeth are so identical even their own husbands have got them mixed up with one kissing the wrong twin by mistake
'When we go out shopping separately we'll often buy the same clothes and on more than a few occasions we've bought each other the same birthday present and card.
'Once Caroline didn't want to break up with one of her boyfriends so I did it for her. The shocking thing was he didn't even know the difference - he had no idea.'
Caroline said: 'People always call us by the wrong names but I can't be bothered to correct them anymore so I just smile and wave and say "yes".'
After studying the same GCSEs and A-levels, the twins moved in together before graduating university with identical 2:1 degrees in Business Economics from Nottingham Trent University in 2003 and both women then went on to become Police Constables.

Inseparable: Liz and Joseph (left) and Caroline and Alexandra - the twin's babies were born just months apart

Close: The twins see each other every day and cannot bear to be apart for long. They live just 15 minutes apart

Sleeping beauties: The girls went on to have a double wedding - but they drew the line at a double honeymoon"
Elizabeth said: 'We did have different grooms. Although we did have lots of people say to us they were expecting us to marry brothers, or some twins. The grooms took some persuading at first but when they saw how much it meant to us they couldn't say no.
'When we went shopping to look at wedding dresses we even both chose the same one and we were going to get one in ivory and one in champagne but in the end we decided it was best if they were a bit different.
'The grooms were expecting us to show up in the same dress and it was hard finding another after we'd both tried that one on.

Twin turbo: Liz (left) and Caroline with their matching Skoda cars. They said they have given up correcting people who get their names mixed up"
'We were both looking up destinations for our honeymoons and we both picked Cuba without discussing it. I think that was possibly because it was one of the few places that was going to be lovely and hot in December, when we were getting married.
'Initially we thought we could go to separate islands and then we wouldn't really see each other anyway. But our husbands put their foot down, they took some persuading on the double wedding and they wanted our honeymoons to be separate.
'We weren't that far apart though, I went on a Caribbean Cruise and Caroline went to Cuba, because she saw it first. That's how we usually settle everything and avoid arguments, by going with who saw it first.'
Caroline discovered she was expecting in December 2009 and sister Liz discovered she was pregnant a couple of months later in February 2010. Caroline's daughter, Alexandra, was born last July 2010 and Liz's baby Joseph was born in October.
'When we went shopping to look at wedding dresses we even both chose the same one and we were going to get one in ivory and one in champagne'
The proud mums spent their maternity leave together helping one another learn all about being a parent and after going back to work, both girls have recently discovered they are pregnant again.Caroline's baby is due in July and Liz's in November and while neither girls know what they are expecting they are hoping to have a boy and a girl respectively, so that they both have one of each.
The twins see each other almost every day can't bear to be apart for long, living just 15 minutes apart and working in police stations less than ten minutes from one another.
Caroline said, 'We did our police training in the same place but at different times and people would be coming up to me and asking have you done this and that and I wouldn't have a clue what they were on about.
'When we were younger we even had our own language that no one else could understand, we didn't talk until we were three except to each other but we were told that was normal. It wasn't like a real language, it wasn't English, it was really something only we could understand.
'The longest we've ever spent apart was six weeks when I went around the world travelling on my gap year.
'Liz came out and met me in Australia and when she was going home it was the hardest thing to say goodbye, we couldn't stop crying.
'We took so long saying goodbye she missed her flight and they came back for another night. When they walked into the hostel I was just so happy, we all went out for a lovely meal but then we had to say goodbye all over again.'
Elizabeth said: 'One day me and Caroline were sat around the dining table and I dropped something and bent down to get it.
'When I looked up I saw Dan, who was rushing out to work, kissing Caroline on the lips and as I looked over they both burst into fits of laughter, and Dan ran out to work.
'Caroline found it hilarious, initially I was a little put out, not at the kiss but at the fact he couldn't tell us apart.'
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