Too much to bear: Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius weeps in the dock as he is formally charged with the murder of his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at Pretoria Magistrates' Court this morning"

Charged: The 26-year-old is accused of killing of FHM cover girl Reeva Steenkamp, 29, whose name was officially revealed for the first time at the hearing, in the early hours of Valentine's Day"

Overcome with emotion: The double amputee bows his head in his hands after prosecutors tell the court they may upgrade the charge to pre-meditated murder, an offence that carries a mandatory life term"
More than 100 people packed into Courtroom C, including dozens of photographers and videographers.
The celebrated runner began sobbing, covering his face with his hands, as the charge against him was read out.
Chief magistrate Desmond Nair told him: 'Take it easy. Come take a seat.'
The hearing came after a two-hour delay while Pistorius's lawyers objected to the scrum of local and international reporters packed into the courtroom.

Support: Pistorius's father, Henke, reaches out to his son after his emotional court appearance" vijimaneno vyo FLFP" Son utakuwa powa ili mradi useme ukweli wa mambo na kama umezawadiwa kichaa on valentine's day " kitakutwa ubongoni na utatibiwa kwa uhalali" (Pistorius)>Huelewi dad" i wish nisingekuwa na mikono pia mdada wa watu angekuwepo hai leo"

Difficult time: Henke Pistorius talks to Pistorius's sister Aimee (right) during the court hearing" Vijimaneno vya FLFP:your brother is going to go in for a long long time..i hope ni kichaa kilimpanda na wakikite bado kipo kwenye ubongo wake la sivyo"

Keeping in the loop: Henke Pistorius talks on a cellphone. The family later said Pistorius denied the charge in the 'strongest terms' Aisee yani hapa hakuna cha themanini au arobaini ni gela moja kwa moja" tufanyeje sasa my boy" Ruwa Mangi"

In despair: Pistorius's defence lawyer said the Paralympian is in a 'traumatised state of mind'

Accused: Pistorius is escorted by police into the dock during his court appearance in Pretoria"

Mwaangalie hapo anavyo muangalia Baba yake,,kwani yeye ndo kakutuma dha..yani ni mpaka kieleweke aisee pengine siyo bure unaweza kuwa ni kichaa kilikupanda on valentine's day" wenzako waliokuwa na wapenzi kwa muda wote huo walitoa pete wewe ukatoa bunduki eee" Ruwa Mangi"

Postponed: The bail hearing was adjourned until next week, with police expected to oppose the application"
Those who knew Pistorius, including a former girlfriend, also weighed in on social media. Trish Taylor, mother of Pistorius' ex-girlfriend Samantha Taylor, wrote on Facebook: 'I'm so glad Sammy is safe and out of the clutches of that man.'
But another ex-girlfriend, Jenna Edkins, defended Pistorius in messages Friday on Twitter.
'All I am saying is let him speak, let his side be heard without jumping to conclusions,' Edkins wrote.
She offered 'love and support' to the Pistorius family and wrote: 'I have dated Oscar on and off for 5 YEARS, NOT ONCE has he EVER lifted a finger to me or made me fear for my life.'
Meanwhile, police said today that an autopsy on the body of the victim was taking place. Lt Col Katlego Mogale said the results of the autopsy would not be published.
The court opened at just before 7am GMT today, as he arrived.

Lethal weapon: A police officer holds a gun allegedly used in the shooting of Miss Steenkamp outside the Boschkop police station, east of Pretoria" vijimambo vya FLFP> Wenzake watoa mapete ya uchumba ya bei mbaya yeye atoa GUN ya bei mbaya hadi kifo" kweli mapenzi yana ran dunia ,Ali Kiba of Tanzania song hakukosea kabisaa!!

Charged: Oscar Pistorius covers his face with a jacket as he leaves Boshkop police station ahead of his court appearance in Pretoria this morning accused of murdering his model girlfriend"

Arrival: Star athlete Oscar Pistorius enters Pretoria Magistrates Court this morning as paper is used to cover the windows of the police car to prevent photos of the murder suspect being taken"

Accusations: Pistorius was arrested yesterday morning after Miss Steenkamp was found dead in his Pretoria mansion after being shot four times at 4am yesterday"
Pistorius was swept into the courthouse, hidden in the back of a police car, which had its windows blocked with paper to prevent anyone seeing the alleged murderer's face.
Pistorius had initially been expected to appear in court yesterday, but the hearing was postponed to allow forensics more time to study his mansion.
As he awaited his hearing, the Afrikaans-language Beeld newspaper claimed Miss Steenkamp had been shot four times, in the head, chest, pelvis and hand through the bathroom door.
Pistorius had initially been expected to appear in court yesterday, but the hearing was postponed to allow forensics more time to study his mansion.
As he awaited his hearing, the Afrikaans-language Beeld newspaper claimed Miss Steenkamp had been shot four times, in the head, chest, pelvis and hand through the bathroom door.

Murder suspect: Olympic and Paralympic star Reeva Steenkamp, 29, who was shot dead yesterday. The runner is due in court today"

Last photo: Oscar Pistorius and girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp pose for a picture in Johannesburg last Thursday. He has been charged with shooting her dead in the early hours of yesterday morning"

Ominous: The Paralympic sprinter posted this message on Twitter on November 27"
Dressed in a grey hooded jacket, tracksuit trousers and trainers, Pistorius, 26, walked with head bowed from the Boschkop police station yesterday before being taken to Pretoria's Mamelodi Day Hospital in a police convoy.
Brig Beukes said the medical examination was 'standard procedure'.
Pistorius's spokesman, from the Fast Track agency in London, said he was 'assisting the police with their investigations' but no further comment could be made until matters became clearer.
Initial rumours suggested the shooting may have been a Valentine's Day surprise gone wrong.
The couple had only been going out since November.
Miss Steenkamp, a model and law graduate, tweeted the day before Valentine's Day: 'What do you have up your sleeve for your love tomorrow??? £getexcited £ValentinesDay.'
Pistorius appeared to have serious concerns about his safety and was said to sleep with a revolver by his side.

Charged: Pistorius, his head lowered and face covered, leaves the Boschkop police station in Pretoria for a blood test at hospital prior to being taken to court"

Star: Oscar Pistorius was arrested yesterday morning accused of having shot his girlfriend in the head and arm, killing her" vijimambo vya FLFP> Aisee hii picha hapa ya mwisho inaweza ikawa ndo ya mwisho kabisaa maana ndo hivyo tena mdada wa watu amekufa kabisaa,,yani ni huzuni mno kuona watu kama hawa bila shida ya (hela) wanaweza kuwafupishia wenzao maisha yao kihivi ,yani pengine ni kichaa la sivyo kwa kichagga tunasema NGAMANYASEPFO!!
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