Miriam González Durántez, couldn't have painted a better picture of the devoted politician's wife today as she walked, hand-in-hand, with her husband, Nick Clegg.
The famously independent lawyer was flying the flag for the Lib Dems wearing a canary yellow Topshop belted dress with matching courts and a casual brown jacket.
Political correctness must have been the main motivation behind her choice of colour. However, for some, the colour brought to mind the bright yellow of a rubber duck;

Flying the flag for the Lib Dems: Miriam wore a canary yellow belted dress with matching suede courts and a casual brown jacket;
Or maybe she has been keeping a closer eye than we thought on the catwalks at London Fashion Week where citrus colours were a big trend.
The couple waved to photographers, as they made their way along the tow path by the canal at Brindley Place in Birmingham.
They were making their way towards the city's International Convention Centre and the final day of the Liberal Democrats' Party Conference which will culminate in the deputy prime minister's keynote speech.
Miriam was not only supporting her husband's party, but also promoting austerity Britain with her choice of outfit. The Topshop yellow midi dress retails for just £46.

Tow-ing the party line: The couple waved to photographers as they made their way along the tow path by the canal at Brindley Place in Birmingham;

High street favourite: The Topshop yellow midi dress Miriam was wearing retails for just £46
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