LIoyds TSB
Account Number 14590768 Sort Code:30-65-41
Please Email with any Question and to live your name so we can put it to our ''VIP BOOK" Also don't forget to Donate with your Reference' as we will use it with your name to store it to our''VIP BOOOK''THANKS SO MUCH "
here I took out it cover so I can find out if any number to call and also what Question to ask the owner of the phone"like what model and color of the phone anything to make sure that I give it back to the right person "
Here She is: The happy Charlie with her £50.Pound 'REWARD and her iphone that she lost " I also told her about the Charity' Flora Lyimo Stop RAPE AND RAP Charity "and her Reward I will donate it to it. She was so PROUD of me which she say to me that is a Very good Idea and She Love it"
The Happy Charlie" by the Phonebox which is where she has to call me from 'since she lost her phone early today" so here is where we arrange to meet and give it to her,which She then give me her £50.POUND ''REWARD'' Thanks so much Charlie for your Love and Support 'Be Bless Always"Flora Lyimo"
Joyce S Malle likes this.
Joyce S Malle thats wonderful Flora, good deeds should be rewarded. bless ur heart for doing the right thing with no expectations of a reward. we need more "random acts of kindness" in this world!!!
Flora Lyimo STOP RAPE AND RAP CHARITY" here is our donate £130. MR & MRS Phillip Lim'
ReplyDeleteSuper Tanzanian lady you are" Flora we will support you all the way 'and here is my donate!! what's a lovely idea,