For 300 years, it has been the highlight of the summer calendar for the well-off and well-connected.
But these days, it seems, the enclosures and stands of Royal Ascot are becoming increasingly popular with a much less distinguished breed of racegoer.
As the Queen’s favourite racing event celebrates its tricentenary, fights have been breaking out amongst the male racegoers at the historic Berkshire course, watched by worse for wear women who can barely stay upright in their high heels.
A quick glance across the terraces reveals a sea of flesh and unsightly tattoos – of women in cheap, tawdry dresses and men who have shunned the expected top hat.

Kicking off: A fight breaks out between racegoers, with one man, left, wielding a champagne bottle and another, right, clutching a table leg. Those close by fled to avoid being struck by stray punches"

KUDADADEKI ,HII SI MCHEZO !!Broken chairs and glasses litter the scene and one man is still wielding the champagne bottle as another man shields his face"

Getting nasty: Spectators throw drinks - and punches as onlookers watch in horror"

A drugs 'honesty' box has been placed at the entrance to the racecourse's Grandstand Enclosure just yards from security staff.
The white box tells everyone arriving at the enclosure that Ascot Racecourse is a drug-free zone and that illicit substances can be dropped through the slot in the top of the white box.
But the box itself is only locked by a cable tie.
Many believe that the social fixture, once a prestigious highlight of the summer season, is becoming as bawdy as the meetings at Aintree and Cheltenham.
Yesterday was Gold Cup Day, commonly known as Ladies’ Day, but there was little evidence of ladylike – or gentlemanly – behaviour as the event ended in two arrests.
In a blatant disregard for Ascot’s strict behavioural code, a drunken brawl broke out by a Victorian band stand.
Eight men started to fight on the lawn by a champagne bar just yards from the The Royal Mile, Ascot’s home straight.
Terrified racegoers fled to avoid being struck by stray punches as the drunken group, some egged on by female friends, armed themselves with bottles and chair legs.
The men, who had been drinking £98 bottles of Laurent Perrier Rose Champagne, ended up being pulled apart by members of the military. [Do you know any of these racegoers? Contact MailOnline via or 0207 938 6000 ext 3751]
Sophie Healy, 25, from Windsor, who witnessed the fracas, said: ‘I can remember one guy saying, “Are you mugging me off [insulting me]?”

Ouch: A racegoer takes a tumble clutching his head as he hits the floor, and right, his blood-spattered suit"

Man down! One racegoer clutches his head in agony whilst another desperately grabs on to another man's leg in an attempt to floor him"

What's going on here then? A members of a military band steps in to sort out the drama as one man holds another in a headlock

And they're off! Racegoers stopped what they were doing to turn and look at the brawl
‘The tone of his voice was really aggressive and then they started pushing and shoving.
‘We got out of the way and then suddenly our table, with a newly-bought bottle of champagne, went flying.
‘Things turned really nasty with one man wielding a broken chair leg and another had a bottle of champagne.’
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